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1 wrenchwench  Aug 3, 2010 12:44:18pm

From your link:

And in truth I am astonished that the mosque organizers haven’t thought of this themselves. After all, the cultural center is set to incorporate a swimming pool and a large auditorium. Could the organizers be so insensitive as to ignore the elephant in the room and not address the murders that took place in the name of Islam just two blocks away?

From an article that was linked here at LGF a week ago:

We will include a September 11th memorial and quiet reflection space where people of different faith traditions and beliefs, sacred and secular, can find quiet time and solace.

Also, I disagree with this statement from your link:

it is utterly inappropriate to build anything on that cemetery without the consent of the families.

How many blocks do these people get control of? It’s a ridiculous concept.

2 CuriousLurker  Aug 3, 2010 2:25:53pm

re: #1 wrenchwench

It was also mentioned in the NY Daily News:

And, yes, the center will have a public memorial to the victims of 9/11 as well as a meditation room where all will be welcome for quiet reflection..

And the same Rabbi wrote a similar article published by HuffPo back in May.

In the same way it behooved our Christian brothers to allow us Jews to choose to commemorate the extermination of our people in the manner we saw fit, it likewise behooves our Islamic brothers and sisters to approach the families of those who died on 9/11 and ask them how they wish the site to be commemorated. And if as a body they object to any kind of mosque being built there, then their wishes should be respected.

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